Microsoft Azure Bicep VsCode Extension
On previous post how to migrate from existing ARM template to Azure Bicep. On this one we will cover about tooling with can support our development.
Visual Studio Code install
We start from installing Vs-Code with can be download from here.
or we can use chocolatey/choco
choco install vscode -y
or winget
winget install -e --id Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
Bicep extension install
After having Visual Studio Code installed, we visit marketplace and press Install button
or we install extension directly from vs code
Bicep extension getting started
We create or open .bicep file and get are getting great tools for support multiple cases:
- Dot-property access
- Resource property names & property values
- Dot-property access
- List all available resource types
- Snippets
- Go to definition, peek definition
- Find all references, peek references
- Outline view and breadcrumb view
- Highlights
- Hovers
- Formatting
- Quick fixes
- Insert Resource
Check out more details on Bicep Extension Page At summary this is great tools that is develop all time more and more staff are implements, but most important we get great tool for making out development much better experience, sad that we haven’t such great for ARM templates.