Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge
Unleash Your Potential: Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge! Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge
Hi, there ! My name is Janusz Nowak, let share few words about me :)
I Graduated 2008 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics MIMUW
where I study computer science.
I am a Software Developer/Architect with over 15 years of experience, flustered with approach “It works on my computer” use DevOps practice for over 11 years, natural path going Cloud 7 years.
I am passionate about Lean, DevOps, Application Life Cycle Management, Cloud, Server less and Infrastructure as Code. I try to share knowledge, expertise. Involved in many different activities, like this blog, workshops/session/event/online videos/community meetings/conferences speaking/creating software/open source.
You can find lates activities on profile blog, linkedin, twitter, github, youtube, stackoverflow
Here are few of certifications, awards and honors I received.
Unleash Your Potential: Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge! Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge
Microsoft Ignite called ignite is an annual conference for developers and IT professionals hosted by Microsoft. Started in 1993 knows as TechEd, Microsoft al...
What is the GitHub Universe Cloud Skills Challenge?
Github Azure DevOps SpeedTest - Measures the network latency between your browser and GitHub and each of the Azure DevOps region. It allow you to choose best...
This spring, with the goal of boosting your career by adding new skills and certifications, Microsoft invite you to join the Microsoft Spring Skills Challeng...
Microsoft Ignite called ignite is an annual conference for developers and IT professionals hosted by Microsoft. Started in 1993 knows as TechEd, Microsoft al...
It is happening from time to time that you want to share your passion and knowledge about Azure Cloud with community on workshops. First issues that you are...
Microsoft Build called build is an annual conference event held by Microsoft, aimed at software engineers,web developers using Microsoft Azure and other not ...
On previous posts we have been introduced, how to get started, use extension or migrate from ARM templates for azure bicep or how to use in Continuous Delive...
On amazing event The biggest celebration of Women in Tech & IT on 7-8 June 2022 Women In Tech Summit.I have got a please to run lecture, workshop about W...
The Global Azure community is truly global. People all around the world are striving through the pandemic, driven by their passion to share their knowledge w...
Microsoft Azure Key Vault is a cloud-hosted management service that allows users to encrypt keys and small secrets by using keys that are protected by hardwa...
On amazing event Warsaw IT Days on 1-2 April 2022 Warszawskie Dni Informatyki 2022. I have got a please to run session about Why DevOps and Cloud. On example...
How to extract all badges from Credly ?
On previous posts we have been introduced, how to get started, use extension or migrate from ARM templates for azure bicep or how to use in Continuous Delive...
How to get all group from Azure Active Directory using PowerShell module AzureAD AzureAD and count members.
This spring, with the goal of boosting your career by adding new skills and certifications, Microsoft invite you to join the Microsoft Spring Skills Challeng...
On-line recording of the 28th Engineering Job Fair 2022. During which I had the pleasure to explain what “DevOps” is and conduct workshops showing the use of...
On previous posts we have been introduced, how to get started, use extension or migrate from ARM templates for azure bicep.
With new 2022 year there was also introduced new certification path, there was some new certification introduced. Microsoft Certification poster (digital).
On previous post how to migrate from existing ARM template to Azure Bicep. On this one we will cover about tooling with can support our development.
Azure Bicep migrating from ARM template
Azure Bicep Getting Started
What is Bicep?
Nagranie on-line z 41 spotkanie Microsoft Azure User Group Poland w Warszawie na kórej miałem przyjemność opowiadałem o tym jak użyć Azure Functions w zaawan...
5 Marca 2020 Roku udało się zorganizować wydarzenie na którym mówiłem o tym czy jest, co umnożliwa DevOps oraz Chmura. Nie obyło się bez bardzo żywych dyskus...
Nagranie wideo z mojej prezentacji “Azure DevOps – o co w tym wszystkim chodzi?” ze spotkania społeczności Koduj w Płocku.
Slides and materials from my presentation on ShareCon365
Slides from my presentation on virtual conference
Continues Integration and Continuous Delivery with Azure DevOps - Deploy Anything to Anywhere with Azure DevOps from Janusz Nowak
There was awesome new few days ago on Azure blog about changing Vsts to Azure DevOps, on fist look it look to be not important.
Info about event here
Why we do not want to use all application insight alerts ?
Azure Function benchmark for .Net 4.7 vs .Net Core beta, how much request per seconds we can squeeze?
The extension allows you to manage Cosmos DB entities, manipulate data, create and update stored procedures, triggers, as well as User Defined Functions. Azu...
What is Honolulu?
Check out this Meetup →
Issues with Visual Studio Team Services – 10/10 – Mitigated
Nested Virtualization in Azure